What is the story behind song SMELL OF PAIN-T?
Our protagonist is basically a painter whose life has crossed paths with a character who makes her live in a golden cage from which, however, she cannot escape. She could do it but she cannot.
What should people take away, gain, realize after listening and watching music video?
To somehow try to find a part of oneself in the protagonist's life, without judgment.
When and where was the video clip shot?
At Studio Danza Thiene asd ( Vi ). I met the owner Giulia Comparin who enthusiastically joined the project.
How many people worked on the production of the video clip?
I worked on the 'editing and sound design with Nowhereman with whom I have been collaborating for several years.
What interesting thing happened to you during the animated of the video clip?
I was immediately struck by the availability and involvement to the whole project of Giulia Comparin ( choreographer ) and Sofia Callegaro ( dancer ). It was enough to give them outline directions then the whole thing flowed amazingly. I was pleasantly surprised.

With what technique was the clip shot?
Everything flowed with very few technicalities but a lot of heart. The technical aspects for me are very marginal.
What topics do you like to address in your stories?
The feminine in all its aspects and facets.
What is your motivation in your work?
Making my feelings manifest in images, sounds and textures.
Who supports you in your career?
I am an independent filmmaker, so I am fully responsible for expenses and collaboration with those who volunteer their talents for my work. I don't have to be pressured in any way, I think it's a great way to create content that is also a bit outside the box.
Who is your greatest role model?
There are many but if I have to mention one I would certainly say Tarkovsky for his ability to use spaces and settings.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Fortunately my works have all been well received. They are very different from each other even markedly so I like them all equally and for a variety of reasons.
What projects do you plan in the future?
I prefer to deal with ideas and projects that will eventually come to me over time.Ideas I always have many but I also have to be careful about expenses since I take on everything.